Visualizza Versione Completa : The Long Dark

Mark Silver
31-10-2014, 19:22

un sandbox di sopravvivenza

Chi ce l'ha?

31-10-2014, 19:33
sembra sfizioso :sisi:

Pap di sicuro l'avrà provato :esd:

31-10-2014, 21:35
non è male, ma è in continuo miglioramento, dopo l'uscita con una patch hanno aggiunto un ulteriore mappa. :D

31-10-2014, 23:10
lo sapevo :rotfl:

Mark Silver
28-11-2014, 10:05
Preso a € 9,99 su Steam

Savio DePantaloni
29-11-2014, 10:26
io non ce l'ho ma l'altro giorno mi ci stavo informando ed ho letto parecchi pareri favorevoli soprattutto dagli utenti, che come dice giustamente Pap, parlano di un titolo in continua evoluzione, un po' difficilotto se non si mastica bene il ramo survival, ma molto ben fatto :looksi:

Mark Silver
29-11-2014, 11:25
HOTFIX v.166 -- Gameplay Tuning & Bug Fixes
We've just updated The Long Dark Sandbox Alpha to v.166, with the following fixes.



* Tuned bare-handed Wolf struggle to be more survivable (but still very challenging, as intended).
* Tuned Wolf reaction to Campfires and Flares. The Campfire is now the most effective deterrent to Wolf attacks.
* Addressed "ambushing" behaviour by ensuring Wolves cannot spawn near building entrances/exits. (Note that Wolves will still track you to a building exit and remain there for some time before returning to their "Wander" state, so entering/exiting a building in quick succession will not result in the Wolf despawning.)
* Blood Loss now only begins after the Wolf Struggle ends.
* Increased the radius of the Wolf territory around Coastal Townsite; this means the Wolves will wander around a larger radius around the Townsite, giving players more breathing room to explore.


* Fixed issue with achievements being unlocked from Main Menu
* Fixed issue with clipping into Fishing Cabin after exit
* Fixes for wolves sometimes ignoring the player
* Fix for rare crash when using last match
* Fish and Fishing-related gear items now spawn in certain containers
* Introduced chance of "Kill Shot" when hitting wildlife in chest and neck
* Container search times more randomized (generally shorter)
* More vehicles added in Coastal Townsite, to provide shelter from roving Wolves
* Fixed issue where sprained ankle status wasn't updating right away after taking Painkillers
* Fixed issue with black polygons appearing in some interiors (only affected Mac); light shafts have now been re-enabled on Macs.
* Fixed vertical line artifact on First Aid interface
* Fixed several floating objects.
* Fixed issue with Antibiotics and Painkillers not always stacking

As always, please post feedback and bugs in the community forums.


Mark Silver
30-11-2014, 11:47
Non duro più di poche ore ...o mi sbranano i lupi o muoio di freddo:ebete:

28-12-2014, 15:24
Preso a € 9,99 su Steam

Preso anche io. :sisi:


Però non sopravvivo più di una notte...:esd: